If you study Japanese, you'll know that it's that time of year again – JLPT testing time! There are only two chances a year, July and December, and with less than a month to go until the December 4th test, I'm feeling the crunch! I've been studying Japanese
for 10 years, including college level courses and self study, and I decided to try my hand at the JLPT for the first time last December. I challenged myself with the N2, since I may as well if I'm going to shell out 50 bucks, and to my delight, I was able to pass! This year I'm being even more ambitious by going where no gaijin has gone before, attempting the N1, the highest level!
I’m sharing my dos and
don’ts tips for you all based on my regrets last time, and what I've learned since then!
Preparing for something as big as the JLPT is definitely an eye-opener. If
you’ve taken it before and met with frustration, don’t get discouraged! Just
read up on my tips!